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BETA CAE Systems S.A.
BETA CAE Systems S.A.- Develops and distributes ANSA (Automatic Net-generation for Structural Analysis) and METAPostProcessor. Pre- and post- processor codes for FEA. Company and product information. ...
Computational Mechanics Australia Pty.Ltd.
Computational Mechanics Australia Pty.Ltd.- QUAD-SURFACE 1.0: Quadrilateral finite element mesh generation software for meshing of plates, shells and general curved surfaces in 3D. QUAD-SURFACE is available in the comple ...
GiD- A pre/posprocessor program with high customization capabilities, many mesh generation options and a big range of postprocessing tools. Site gives a detailed description of the capabilities of the program. Downloads ...
Artemis Project and Moon Society Meeting Server
Artemis Project and Moon Society Meeting Server- Chat system used by the Moon Society and Artemis project for online discussions - busy most evenings. ...
Space-architecture list
Space-architecture list- Discussions on building things in space. ...
Space-elevator forum
Space-elevator forum- Mailing list for discussion of space elevators, in theory and practice. ...
SSI_list- Mailing list for the space studies institute (SSI) - general discussion of space development, space solar power, and O'Neill-style habitats. ...
Spacesettlers forum
Spacesettlers forum- Mailing list for discussion of settling space. ...
SpaceADG mailing list
SpaceADG mailing list- Space exploration science, history and current events. Focus is primarily on NASA space activities. ...
Moon Society Yahoo group
Moon Society Yahoo group- Open discussion group moderated by Moon Society leaders. ...
Yahoo! Groups : GreenCELSSTaskFORCE
Yahoo! Groups : GreenCELSSTaskFORCE- Dedicated to creating self-sustaining closed-loop environments (only input: sunlight). ...
Artemis Project General Mailing List
Artemis Project General Mailing List- Discussion of return to the Moon. Moderated by leadership of Artemis Society International. ...
Out of the Cradle
Out of the Cradle- Weblog chronicling the new space age: news, interviews, and reviews on all aspects of space development. ...
Selenian Boondocks
Selenian Boondocks- Weblog on new space companies and lunar colonization; the inside scoop on commercial space from Jonathan Goff and Ken Murphy. ...
HobbySpace- Space log tracks developments in space commercialization particularly; occasional interviews and other newsworthy items. ...
MARS- Mars base simulation game from French chapter of Mars Society. Freeware for Windows. ...
Syliva Engdahl on space
Syliva Engdahl on space- Essays, quotes, and a radio interview from science fiction author Sylvia Engdahl, about the importance of expanding beyond Earth. ...
Space Colonization and SETI
Space Colonization and SETI- Interview with Gerard K. O'Neill by John Kraus of COSMIC SEARCH. ...
National Space Society: Statement of Philosophy
National Space Society: Statement of Philosophy- Vision of "people living and working in thriving communities beyond the Earth". ...
Space and Human Survival (Sylvia Engdahl)
Space and Human Survival (Sylvia Engdahl)- An essay by science fiction author Sylvia Engdahl on why colonizing space is essential to human survival. ...
Space and survival - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Space and survival - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia- Encyclopedia article on the relationship between the colonization of space and the long-term survival of the human species. ...
Sagan's rationale for human spaceflight - The Space Review
Sagan's rationale for human spaceflight - The Space Review- Essay describes space scientist Carl Sagan's thoughts on why human flights to space should continue. ...
The top Three Reasons for Humans in Space
The top Three Reasons for Humans in Space- Short manifest for space colonisation. ...
The Space Review: The Space Flag
The Space Review: The Space Flag- Article by Michael Huang suggesting a new "space flag" as a rallying point for human colonization of space. ...
The Political Economy of Very Large Space Projects by John Hickman, Ph.D.
The Political Economy of Very Large Space Projects by John Hickman, Ph.D.- Explanation of why large space projects (such as solar power satellites, O'Neill colonies, etc) will necessarily be government funded public work ...
Space Quotes to Ponder
Space Quotes to Ponder- Over 100 brief quotations explaining why expansion of civilization into space is essential to the future survival and evolution of humankind. ...
Interstellar Ark
Interstellar Ark- An analysis of methods for interstellar travel, with a focus on perhaps the most realistic option for success - a large vehicle capable of sustaining thousands of inhabitants for hundreds of years. ...
Death and Time Travel
Death and Time Travel- Essay, with interesting illustrations, on suspended animation as a route to colonizing the stars. ...
Colonies in space may be only hope, says Hawking
Colonies in space may be only hope, says Hawking- Interview with Britain's Daily Telegraph in which eminent cosmologist Stephen Hawking warns that the human race is likely to be wiped out before the millennium is out unl ...
Biosphere 2 Center
Biosphere 2 Center- Arizona University environmental research activities and education programs in the "living laboratory" originally built for an experiment to test the feasibility of humans living in a closed ecosystem ...
International Space Exploration & Colonization Co
International Space Exploration & Colonization Co- A non-profit organization developing technologies for colonizing space, including a biosphere-style closed ecological life support system (CELSS). ...
NASA - Advanced Life Support
NASA - Advanced Life Support- Examples of advance life support research at NASA Ames. ...
Living Universe Foundation
Living Universe Foundation- A grass roots movement dedicated to the future of space colonization and the spread of life through out the galaxy. (Formerly the First Millennial Foundation) ...
LUF Team discussion group
LUF Team discussion group- This is where LUF members and supporters get together to plan and act on the LUF mission. ...
Marshall T. Savage - An Exponentialist Assessment
Marshall T. Savage - An Exponentialist Assessment- An article on Savage's treatment of the Malthusian population principle and our future as a space-faring species. ...
Ad Astra
Ad Astra- Bi-monthly magazine of the National Space Society - articles on all aspects of space development and colonization. ...
Space Age Publishing Company
Space Age Publishing Company- International space news and events updated daily; emphasis on private enterprise and lunar enterprise; subscription required for most material. ...
Odyssey OnLine Space Newsletter
Odyssey OnLine Space Newsletter- Newsletter of OASIS, Los Angeles chapter of the National Space society. Educational information about outer space, space settlement, exploration, and industrialization. ...
The Spacefaring Web
The Spacefaring Web- Archive of John Carter McKnight's essays on creating a space-faring civilization. ...
The Economic Viability of Mars Colonization
The Economic Viability of Mars Colonization- A paper by Robert Zubrin. ...
Mars Colonization
Mars Colonization- Information from the Astrobiology Web about how and why Mars might be colonized. ...
The Mars CERES Project
The Mars CERES Project- An Engineering Student Design Project to develop a habitable deployable greenhouse on the surface of Mars. ... The Mars Homestead Project - building the first permanent settlement on Mars utilizing local materials. ...
Martian Soil
Martian Soil- Weblog covering all the latest news in international Planet Mars exploration efforts. ...
International Lunar Exploration Working Group
International Lunar Exploration Working Group- Lunar explorers and missions; information exchange for robotic and human missions, and resources on the Moon. ...
Lunar Research Institute
Lunar Research Institute- Alan Binder's pages of Lunar Prospector information, and future plans for lunar exploration and development. ...
The Artemis Project
The Artemis Project- A private international venture to establish a self-supporting base on the moon. ...
PSRD: Moon's Dark, Icy Poles
PSRD: Moon's Dark, Icy Poles- Information about permanently shadowed regions on the Moon, where frozen water could be trapped. ...
Lunar Republic : Official Website Of The Moon
Lunar Republic : Official Website Of The Moon- Useful Moon exploration information and news - claims to be independent governmental entity responsible for lunar future. ...
Lunar Architecture - hotel 'LUNATIC'
Lunar Architecture - hotel 'LUNATIC'- Design considerations and graphical schematics for a lunar hotel. ...
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