Catholic Encyclopedia: Saint Baldred

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Details of Catholic Encyclopedia: Saint Baldred

About Catholic Encyclopedia: Saint Baldred
Catholic Encyclopedia: Saint Baldred- There is a St. Baldred, a Celt, bishop of Strathclyde, b. probably mid-sixth century, and said to have been the immediate successor of St. Kentigern (Mungo) as bishop of Glasgow. Another St. Baldred, also called Baltherus, was an Englishman, hermit and priest associated with the diocese of Lindisfarne, who died in 756. Both the aforementioned saints are celebrated on 6 March. Finally, some believe that the second St. Baldred is identical with St. Bilfritt or Bilfrid, a hermit goldsmith whose work adorns the cover of the Gospels of St. Cuthbert (made 698-740).